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A Compendium of Diverse Interests

Montreal Architecture

Chateau Ramezay

Chateau Ramezay Chateau Ramezay Chateau Ramezay Chateau Ramezay
Chateau Ramezay Chateau Ramezay Chateau Ramezay Chateau Ramezay
Chateau Ramezay Chateau Ramezay Chateau Ramezay Chateau Ramezay
Chateau Ramezay Chateau Ramezay Chateau Ramezay Chateau Ramezay
Chateau Ramezay Chateau Ramezay Chateau Ramezay Chateau Ramezay
Chateau Ramezay Chateau Ramezay Chateau Ramezay Chateau Ramezay
Chateau Ramezay Chateau Ramezay Chateau Ramezay  
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The plaques around the house do not show the ownership of David GRANT and his family (c. 1765), who featured in the history of Wolfe Island near Kingston and the former Alwington House that was located just east of the Kingston Penitentiary off King Street.

A genealogy of the GRANT family...

Images © 2022, John A. Brebner

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