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A Compendium of Diverse Interests

Questions and Answers

What does it cost to have you research my family name?

At this time, all research on Prince Edward County names is being undertaken at no charge.

Much of my Brebner/Bremner research is in compiled form on the internet.

Please email if your family is in another area of North America/The World. I am an experienced genealogist, and will be able to tell you within 48 hours if I can add new or more accurate information to that which is already available online, at no charge.

Do You Build Websites?

Yes… but only if you like a non-nonsense site laid out in CSS and HTML, with each page validated to be error free, without links leading to 404 "Page Not Found Errors."

This style of site is ideal for those wishing to add ongoing pages or collections of images or videos. Once the initial site is set-up, anyone with basic HTML skills can modify the page templates on their own.

If you like the style of this site, or of that of the Friends of Sandbanks site, I can help.

Both these sites are designed so that the Webmaster can easily add new pages and image albums using standard pre-designed templates, along with the ease of adding video files and audio clips. Google Maps/Earth and Site Search are readily added.

I believe in a clean web-design, that scales to all devices, from desktop to phone, and complies with all accessibility standards for those with hearing or visual impairments. That means that all images have valid "alt" and "title" tags. A simple website, in this style, can be created with 10-20 page links for about $800. Charitable organizations would qualify for a reduction in cost.

Can I use your photographs?

All images credited as "Copyright John A. Brebner" may be used freely for non-profit and personal use only.

Please check with us before using any image for commercial or advertising use. I will find out, and be really annoyed to the point of litigation!

Do you copy old photographs?


For several years I have been offering to freely digitize Prince Edward County images, give the donor a professional high-resolution DVD or USB stick of the images, and deliver historic images to my friends at the PEC Archives and County Museums.

The only caveat is that I be able to freely share any images of the historic Sandbanks on the Friends of Sandbanks website.

Are you available for commercial photographic or video contracts?

Yes. See my Commercial Page.

What sort of camera and video equipment do you use?

Ever since Canon came out with the EOS-1Ds Mark II in 2004, I've been a fan of that brand. I presently use a Canon 6DS for most of my still imagery. I have most of the lenses from 14 mm to 600 mm telephotos, as well as a series of macro lenses for detailed images.

I'm also a convert to the GoPro cameras… the most recent GoPro 11 is superb for drive-along video with its image stabilization and automatic horizon levelling. And they are just so portable and light-weight!

For studio projects, I use a Canon EDS camera, which allows me to use my full complement of Canon-L lenses, an provides both a high resolution 4K image as well as a full colour gamut for serious film work.

In addition, I have a full range of studio electronic flash as well as LED video lights for use in my dedicated "green-screen available" studio facility in Ottawa.

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